MechoSystems has earned the International Living Building Institute’s red-list compliant Declare label for three complete shade systems when paired with AcoustiVeil Dimout shadecloth:
- Manual Mecho®/5 System
- Manual or motorized UrbanShade® System
- Motorized ElectroShade® System
Like the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification program, the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) created the Living Building Challenge™ program and the complementary Declare label to encourage changes in the way buildings get designed and built with the goal of creating a more just and ecologically balanced future.
The Declare label represents an opportunity for manufacturers like MechoSystems to proactively declare building-product health information pertinent to the Living Building Challenge. By providing this information all in one place, the Declare label and the online products database to which it corresponds streamline the specification process for building project teams seeking to meet or be compliant with the Challenge.
ILFI has inspected the MechoSystems compiled ingredient lists for AcoustiVeil, the eco-friendly acoustical shadecloth that filters light and absorbs sound, as well as Mecho/5, UrbanShade, and ElectroShade, deemed them acceptable, and awarded a Declare label.